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About Conference – Honorary Consular Corps Malaysia
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About Conference

The Conference


Sir and Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Honorary Consular Corps Malaysia (HCCM), it is my distinct pleasure to extend my warmest greetings to all Honorary Consul Generals, Honorary Consuls and Honorary Vice Consuls.

The HCCM was formed in June 2012 to create a platform for all Honorary Consuls serving in Malaysia to strengthen their roles and in discharging their duties as Honorary Consuls. It was also a call from the World Federation of Consuls (FICAC) to establish this corps and develop a framework to strengthen bonds with all other Honorary Consuls serving throughout the world. Since 1982, the World Federation of Consuls (FICAC) has brought together Consular Associations/Corps from around the world in a spirit of solidarity and collaboration in order to better coordinate efforts and enhance the status and effectiveness of consular officers.

The HCCM is pleased and proud to inform that this year, the HCCM has been given the opportunity to host the 4th FICAC East Asia Consular Conference in Penang, Malaysia from 28th to 30th November 2016 at G Hotel, Penang.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of HCCM, we would like to invite you in your capacity as Honorary Consul with your spouse/guest to participate in this conference. Enclosed is the Registration Form together with the Proposed Programme for the conference for your kind perusal and reply.

Together, let us continue our journey to greater and closer friendship under the theme “Diplomacy Leading to Unity and Peace”

The HCCM sincerely look forward to your reply for your participation. Please accept, Dear Colleague, the assurances of our highest consideration.


Dato’ Shaik Ismail Allaudin

Honorary Consul of Bangladesh in Penang
Secretary General
Honorary Consular Corps Malaysia
Organizing Chairman
4th FICAC East Asia Consular Conference