welcome to the website of honorary consular corps malaysia

Executive Committee Meeting

The Executive Committee Meeting was held almost 3 times a year either in Penang or Kuala Lumpur. During the committee meetings many matters and issues were discussed on the context of increasing the number of activities for the members of...

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2nd Annual General Meeting

The 2nd Annual General Meeting of HCCM was held recently on 28th January 2016 at Eastern Oriental Hotel, Penang. The AGM was officiated by His Excellency Mr Ryuji Nida, Consul General of Japan to Penang. The AGM was attended by majority of the...

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1st Annual General Meeting

The 1st Annual General Meeting was held on 12th February 2014 at Putra World Centre, Kuala Lumpur. The HCCM was proud that 1st Annual General Meeting was officiated by the Honorable Deputy Foreign Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin. The...

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